Doctors worldwide are taking the ISHRS Pledge which promises to perform hair transplant surgery themselves and not delegate to unlicensed technicians. #ITookTheISHRSPledge
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This is an extremely important video just put out by the ISHRS in response to the explosive trend of unethical and fraudulent hair transplant surgery being peddled in places like Turkey, and that also is occurring right here in Calgary! There is a dark side to cosmetic surgery and unfortunately a growing proportion of my time is spent trying to correct botched transplants done by unlicensed technicians or illicit clinics which put profit above patients and leave a trail of broken promises and disfigured heads. I get the desire for frugality, I hate to overpay for things as well, but this is much more serious than buying a cheap hair cut. Hair can grow back, even if the cut was a hack job, but surgery is permanent, and cheap surgery can leave your scalp butchered for life with sometimes very little recourse for revision. I’ve seen too many infections, too many complications, too many bizarre hairlines, too many growth failures, and too many heartbreakingly unnatural results that haunt patients for the rest of their lives. This should not be. A proper hair transplant is a beautiful thing with some of the highest rates of satisfaction of any cosmetic surgery. Medical tourism is destroying that reputation. In response to my invitation from the ISHRS, I, Dr. Joseph MacDonald, pledge to be honest and forthright in performing your hair transplant procedure. I will personally ensure proper planning, execution, and post operative continuity of care. I pledge that all surgical aspects of your operation will be performed by myself, a fully qualified and licensed physician, with additional competency, special authorization, and regulatory approval to perform hair transplant surgery. #ishrs #itooktheishrspledge #fightthefight #ishrs2019
Un post condiviso da Prime Hair Clinic (@primehairandskin) il 6 nov 2019 alle 06:25 PST